Tips for chat host >While in video chat

While in video chat The moment a Guest enters your chat Room, turn on the charm! Make sure your Guest knows you will satisfy his every need. A Guest gets the first 20 seconds in your chat Room for free, so don’t waste it. Remember: You never get a second chance to make a first impression. This is the time to let him know that staying in your Room will be worth every penny. Ask the Member what he wants, and listen to his wishes. Avoid asking the same questions over and over again. Many Members feel like they get the same questions from many Hosts so be different, creative and playful, making sure you will be the one the Guest remembers!
Remind Guests that their first 20 seconds upon entry to a Video Chat Room are FREE. As a Host, it’s up to you to take advantage of this time to make these Guests want to see more of you. Think of it as your chance to offer them a tease, while promising more good stuff ahead. Always keep them thinking that something exciting is just around the corner and make sure they can feel you are real and LIVE.
Keep the chat cheerful, interesting, and light. Do not complain or act displeased. Remember: Guests come to your chat Room to have fun, and they want to see you happy and in good mood. It’s up to you to make them feel wanted and special.
When accepting your 2nd or 3rd member into your chat room, welcome them into your room! It is important to show them that you know they joined you so greet, wave and smile or blow a kiss even if you are busy with your show. Sometimes even just a small gesture can go a long way.
Many Members check the reviews before they choose a Host! Make sure you always keep Members satisfied during your Chat. Always accept each and every Member as if they are the first one who came to chat with you today! Make them feel welcome and special, and the good reviews will come rolling in!
Make sure you provide our Members with outstanding service for their money so you earn a 5 star review. The higher your rating is, the higher your visibility and charge rates.
When you end a chat with a Member, remember to save some things for your next meeting, keep it a bit mysterious and make sure the Guest knows you still have many new and surprising things to offer him. This is a great way to encourage returning Customers, while cultivating and establishing long lasting relationships
Enhance your Guest’s Video Chat experience with the Around the House feature. This way you can stand out from the rest of the Hosts and show a paying Member how you can make any Room in the house as kinky as he likes.
Happy Hour is not only about catering to directors’ requests. When you start performing in Happy Hour you should consider it your show time. Giving your best performance is essential to the success of your Happy Hour Show! Members may be watching who don’t decide to take the role of the director. So, don’t wait for the director’s request – start your show as soon as your Happy Hour starts!

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